KSG Achieves Success in Microbial Risk Reduction in NHS Trial with Genano

A recently published study has found Genano G350 devices, distributed by KSG Health Ltd, have reduced bacteria counts by 62% and airborne yeast and moulds by 82% in a hospital environment over six months in 2022.

The trial, in partnership with KSG Health UK’s partner, Safewell Solutions Ltd, aimed to identify whether implementing filtration devices could reduce 'typical levels of microbial contamination' within clinical environments. This project was KSG Health and Safewell's response to a small business research initiative (SBRI) run by NHS Scotland.

Safewell were selected by NHS Scotland to conduct the trial, using the Genano Air Purifiers provided by KSG Health. For the trial, various clinical test areas at Ninewells Hospital were used. Chosen areas were the Dermatology Room, the Eye Clinic Waiting Room and various wards, which had indoor temperatures ranging from 16.2°c to 23.9°c, and relative humidity measuring around 51%.

Indoor air quality (IAQ) measurements were agreed to be performed and reported by an experienced and objective Occupational Hygienist to prevent bias. Reference was made to the NIOSH manual of analytical methods for sampling of bioaerosols, and a range of additional air quality parameters were measured.

Data generated from the trial between March 2022 and August 2022 produced many findings and found that KSG Health's deployment of Genano devices reduced the 'typical' levels of TVC (bacteria) by an average of 62% and yeasts and moulds by 82%. What's more is that as per feedback from staff and patients, the devices did not cause any disruption to normal hospital activities. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that the main risk of viral transmission was airborne, making these Genano devices a critical piece of technology. An additional study completed in Hospital A.G. Mastino di Bosa, Sardinia, in February and March of 2022 found that Genano devices reduced the microbial load to 0 and reduced particle contamination by 97% within clinical areas. This reduction of particulate contamination meant reduced pathogen carriers and a lower-risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Of course, one good thing to come of COVID-19 was that the importance of good air quality within public spaces, particularly clinical environments, was highlighted. However, this study has proven that the risks of virus and bacteria transmission are not to be underestimated just because COVID-19 is no longer the threat it once was. In healthcare settings, it is crucial to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses causing various illnesses, and the key to doing this is introducing air purifiers like Genano devices.

Read the full case study on KSG Health Ltd and their use of Genano devices within the NHS here.


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